Our Collective Service Array
CBHS provides a vast array of services to multiple populations that are licensed by OMH, OASAS, DOH, OPWDD, and OCFS and include:
Care Management – at all levels.
Hospital Diversion Services (mobile crisis teams, crisis respite, day respite, urgent care, peer specialists)
Health and Recovery Plans (HARP)
Home and Community Based Waiver Services for Adults and Children
Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment and Rehabilitation Services
Residential Services, at all levels, including: Innovative person-centered models
Homeless Day Program
Peer Services (peer bridging)
Peer Run Recovery Center
Assertive Community Treatment Teams (ACT)
Home Based Treatment- Mobile Services
Employment & Economic Self-Sufficiency Services
Benefit Counseling
Habilitation and Long-Term Care Services
Forensic Services: ​ Community Reintegration Services for Pre-release Incarcerated Individuals from the people we serve and their families; and to do so at sustainable costs.