Last Updated: January 25, 2022
3-Minute Video: Cognitive Processing Therapy
Who should view? Clients, family members, and anyone in the agency including individuals who conduct intakes, case managers, supervisors, prescribers.
3-Minute Video: What is PTSD?
Whiteboard video covering the basics about posttraumatic stress disorder including types of traumatic experiences and symptoms of PTSD
Who should view? Clients, family members, and anyone in the agency including individuals who conduct intakes, case managers, supervisors, prescribers.
30-Minute Video: Intro to Cognitive Processing Therapy
This is a 30-minute overview of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for PTSD and includes an overview of the research and the therapy components of CPT. Attendees will learn how to talk with potential clients about CPT as a treatment option.
Who should view? Anyone who is interested in learning more about CPT at your agency Including individuals who conduct intakes, case managers, supervisors, prescribers. This is not for clients.
60-Minute Video: What Constitutes Trauma from ISTSS
The events of the past year have raised the question of how to distinguish stress from traumatic stress, especially with regard to the definition of Criterion A trauma in the DSM-5. This panel addresses this question in the context of two critically important events: (1) the COVID-19 pandemic and (2) the murder of George Floyd, which sharpened our focus on the stress and trauma experienced by Black people.
Brian P. Marx, PhD
Deputy Director, Behavioral Science Division, National Center for PTSD
VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University School of Medicine
Paul Holtzheimer, MD
Deputy Director for Research, National Center for PTSD, Department of Veterans Affairs
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Surgery, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Paula P. Schnurr, PhD
Executive Director, National Center for PTSD, Department of Veterans Affairs
Professor of Psychiatry, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Brittany Hall-Clark, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Consultant, National Center for PTSD, Consultation Program
Matthew J. Friedman, MD, PhD
Senior Advisor, National Center for PTSD, and Executive Director, National PTSD Brain Bank, Department of Veterans Affairs
Professor of Psychiatry, Geisel school of Medicine at Dartmouth
3-Minute Video: “Evidence-Based” Treatment – What Does It Mean?
The National Center for PTSD explains what “Evidence Based” Treatment means, and some guidelines to see if a practice is truly “Evidence Based”.
4-Minute Video: PTSD Treatment – Know Your Options
The National Center for PTSD explains options clients have for treating PTSD, and what the various treatment options a client has.